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Pre Basho


  • 1 Special Prize = +1 Training Point
  • 2 Special Prizes = above + 1 Recovery Die (if not already owned)
  • 3 Special Prizes = above + 10 Focus Points
  • Yusho or Jun Yusho?
  • Makuuchi Yusho = +2 Training Points (stacks with other bonuses)
  • Makuuchi Jun Yusho = +1 Training Point (stacks with other bonuses)
  • Juryo/Makushita Yusho = +1 Training Point (stacks with other bonuses)
  • Capped by division?
  • Juryo = b24
  • Makushita = b22
  • Degeiko?
  • 60 Degeiko = 12 Focus Points
  • Otherwise 1 FP for every 5 matches
  • Jungyo rewards?
  • Rest?
  • 1 TP = recover 40% Fatigue
  • Recovery Die = recover 4d10 ir4 Fatigue
  • Makuuchi = +8 Focus Points
  • Juryo = +2 Momentum (stacks with other Momentum)
  • Makushita = +1 Training Point
Total TP Spent Cost to Raise Attribute
0-12 1
13-36 2
37+ 3
The columns MUST be split between each threshold for the sheet to calculate correctly!
  • Allocate Training Points to Stats, check math
  • Set new rank in bot
  • !set_basho_participated
  • Double-check that all stats in the bot match the sheet
  • !ready rikishi

During the Basho

Match Logging

  • Did link jump to correct Rikishi cell?
  • Y1-Y4, N1-N4, K1-K4, T1-T4, O1-O4 = Kimarite Codes
  • [kimariteCode]x = win by Spec variant, e.g. K1a
  • CRIT = win by Crit Tachiai
  • R = win by Reversal / gyoji gunbai sashichigae
  • F = Fusen win/Fusensho
  • L = Loss by kimarite or Fusen loss/Fusenpai

#Base Die Drop

  • Check Rikishi stats against bot
  • Touch purple. Deduct Base Fatigue value from previous basho by 10, add Note with the changes.
  • Add +1 to Base Level Reduction cell
  • Ask another Gyoji to double-check


  • Check version of Gyoji Tool in #gyoji-quick-links
  • Are the Slohyo responses valid? Tachiai links properly into chosen Kimarite?
  • Do Rikishi stats in Master Sheet and Bot match?
  • Double-check Focus Points, Injury Threshold, Fatigue (Matta Gremlins strike again?)
Run Slohyo
  • Matta? (difference of 0-2)
  • CRIT Tachiai? (difference of 50+)
Past Round 2?
  • 24 hours to submit Slohyo Form Part 2, announce in #bout-deadlines
  • Forms submitted before deadline?
  • If one Rikishi submits form and opponent doesn't, F Fusensho for Rikishi, L loss for opponent
  • Focus Dice, Fatigue Dice, Injuries as normal
  • If neither submits forms, L loss for both
  • Deduct for Focus Dice, Fatigue Dice, Injuries as normal
  • Mono-ii? (difference of 0-2 between attacker and defender, with attacker winning)
End Slohyo
  • Any injuries? In #training-and-injury-rolls:
  • !injure shikona fatigue=# injuries=# (omit injuries=# if only one injury to roll)
  • Deduct Focus Points for Focus Dice used
  • Add Focus Point for victory
  • Add Fatigue for Fatigue Dice used
  • Post results in #match-recording and link to the match

Post Basho

Prizes and Yusho

  • Y = Makuuchi Yusho
  • JY = Makuuchi Jun Yusho
  • JC = Juryo Yusho
  • MsC = Makushita Yusho
  • SdC = Sandanme Yusho
  • O = Outstanding Performance / Shukunsho
  • F = Fighting Spirit / Kantosho
  • T = Technique / Ginosho
  • Shinpan's Recognition does not have a code and must be added to Focus Points manually.


  • +100 Kensho per solo commentated bout
  • +50 Kensho per duo/multi-commentated bout
  • Additional amount decided by the Big Boss


  • Leave it to the Big Boss

Training Rolls

4d40 t(X) + 3 + (Bonuses)
X = training roll threshold based on # of basho completed (for more details, see: Guide:Main#Training Rolls)
Training Roll Threshold
Basho Completed Threshold Value (X)
0-1 10
2-3 11
4-5 13
6-7 15
8-10 18
11-13 21
14-16 25
17-19 30
20+ 36
Training Roll Bonuses (cumulative)
Bonus Condition
+0 None (default value)
Juryo / Makushita / Sandanme Yusho
Makuuchi Jun Yusho
Makuuchi Special Prize
+2 Makuuchi Yusho

Mid's middling flowchart

  • No roll.
Kyujo? Auto-Kyujo?
Completed 20th or beyond basho?
  • No roll. Flat 2 TP for Degeiko.
  • Makuuchi Yusho = 4d40 t(X) + 5
  • And Special Prize? = 4d40 t(X) + 6
  • Makuuchi Jun Yusho = 4d40 t(X) + 4
  • And Special Prize? = 4d40 t(X) + 5
  • Juryo/Makushita Yusho = 4d40 t(X) + 4
Special Prize without Yusho?
  • = 4d40 t(X) + 4
New Rikishi?
  • b20 = minimum 5
  • b21 = minimum 4
Training Roll Perks
Perk Code Description Requirement to purchase
T1a -1 t on each training roll Sekiwake x2
T1b -1 t bonus when earning a prize Komusubi x2
T1c -1 t on KK, +1t on 7-8, +2 t on 6-9 or worse Maegashira x5
T2a add +ir3 to training rolls Ozeki
T2b add +r3 (not +ir3) to training rolls Komusubi x5
T2c 2 TP floor until you reach b25 Maegashira x5
T2d 3 TP protection extends until you reach b22 Juryo x3
everyone else
  • 4d40 t(X) + 3

Recovery Rolls

2d50 t33 +1
  • double-check Injuries taken against #match-recording
Kyujo? Auto-Kyujo?
  • Fewer than 11 matches completed = 2d50 t33
  • Fewer than 8 matches completed = no roll
  • outstanding Temporary Injuries carried over to next Basho
Permanent Injuries?
  • every 5 Temporary Injuries taken to a single stat = 1 new Permanent Injury
  • new Permanent Injuries not implemented until Master Sheet rolled over
Base Die?
  • 15 unique injuries = lose 4 basho worth of progress on base die
  • after the first drop, every 10 unique injuries = lose 4 basho worth of progress on base die