Guide:Old Rules

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NOTE: This page contains outdated rules from previous iterations of RTY, for the sake of preservation.
For the current rule set, please refer to Guide:Main.




  • Power
  • Weight
  • Footwork
  • Skill
  • Spirit


  • Power – The raw strength of a Rikishi, for those that want to simply overpower their opponents. Strong in Grip Techniques
  • Balance – Your Rikishi's ability to stay on his feet, effectively carry their weight, manipulate momentum and leverage their opponent into bad situations. Strong in Throwing Techniques
  • Footwork – The dexterity, speed and agility of your Rikishi. Strong in Limb Lock Techniques
  • Skill – The technical proficiency of your Rikishi. Strong in Pulling Techniques
  • Spirit – This reflects your Rikishi’s endurance and ability to keep fighting. Versatile stat used over many techniques but specialist in none.

Creating a Rikishi

Stat lines



Before Aki 2023
The Iron Grip
Yotsu Specialist
Power Balance Footwork Technique Spirit
5 3 2 3 2
Your rikishi is at his best when his hands have firmly grasped the mawashi of his opponent. Rikishi who specialize in this stance are often impressive in size and strength as well as skill, as yotsuzumo is the more technical and graceful of the two primary styles of sumo. But no matter how skilled a rikishi might be, he cannot get anything done on the belt without the might to overpower his opponent. Whether he prefers an inside right or inside left, there's no doubt that when a yotsu specialist gets the grip he wants, his opponent is in deep trouble. Notable yotsu specialists include Terunofuji and Tochinoshin.
The Bulldozer
Oshi Specialist
Power Balance Footwork Technique Spirit
4 2 3 2 4
Your rikishi is proficient in pushing and thrusting his hands as though they were battering rams. The oshi specialist’s goal is to shove his opponent out of the ring and if he falls on the way out, that’s on him. Rikishi who specialize in this stance are brimming with explosive force fueled by a burning soul. Although their style is traditionally viewed as less refined than yotsuzumo, oshi specialists will tell you that molding one's arms into relentless weapons of mass destruction is an artform in itself. Notable oshi specialists include Takakeisho and Tamawashi.
The Catapult
Nagete Specialist
Power Balance Footwork Technique Spirit
3 5 2 3 2
Your rikishi steps up to the dohyo with the intention of being the only one standing on it after the bout is over. No pushing, no carrying, no belt grips, no ring-outs. Tossing your opponent down hard and making them taste the dirt is the most satisfying conclusion to a bout for the nagete specialist. If the gyoji just happens to get knocked down when he doesn't get out of the way in time, well that's just a bonus for the last man standing. Rikishi who specialize in this stance are often quite big and strong, but more importantly they know how to maintain balance whilst throwing opponents, so as not to buckle or fall with them. Notable nagete specialists include Hoshoryu and Okinoumi.
The Spider
Limb Lock Specialist
Power Balance Footwork Technique Spirit
2 2 5 3 3
Your rikishi is agile and dexterous, preferring to wrap his limbs around those of his opponents’ before taking them down or out for the win. Rather than overpowering his opponent, the limb locker restricts mobility, making escape a difficult task to execute. Once a limb locker gets ahold of you, you might as well be a fly caught in the spider's web. Notable limb lock specialists include Enho and Mainoumi.
The Professor
Pulling Specialist
Power Balance Footwork Technique Spirit
2 2 3 5 3
Your rikishi focuses on manipulating the momentum of his opponents against them. This, combined with a sharp ring sense and precise timing, allow rikishi who specialize in this stance to get adversaries in prime position for a hard fall to the clay. It will almost feel like they beat themselves when, really, they were given a lesson in physics by an expert technician. Although pulling is seen as something rikishi, especially yokozuna, should avoid, it cannot be denied that sumo is a sport in which such maneuvers can be devastatingly effective. Notable pulling specialists include Kakuryu and Abi.
Power Balance Footwork Technique Spirit
Any stat line as long as the sum of all stats equals 15, no stat is below 2, and follows the rules of #Stat Line Legality
Your rikishi is whatever you want them to be. Your custom build allows you to carve your own path to Yokozuna.


Before 08/01/23
  • Shikona (character name) changes cost 5000 Kensho for the first change and an additional 5000 Kensho for each subsequent change. For example a player wishing to change their Shikona for the third time will need to pay 15000 Kensho.


Pick a Heya, Any Heya

The heya list until Kyushu 2023 was
  • Dewanoumi
  • Tokitsukaze
  • Isegahama
  • Takasago
  • Nishonoseki
  • Inazuma
  • Hikarishoryu
  • Namakemono
Please refer to the #heya-recruitment-page channel for more information about each Heya and to check their current recruitment status.
  • Please be aware that there is a player cap per Heya, so you will need to ask in #gyoji-hotline if you can be added to the Heya of your choice or if you need to choose another.
Every Basho, each Heya assigns a temporary #Heya Bonus to an Attribute. Selection methods vary by Heya.
Rikishi may request a #Heya Transfer later on, but for a cost.

Rookie Gauntlet

Training Points

Training Rolls

Training Rolls are done
  • Once after completing Maezumo
  • Once after every Basho (having participated in all scheduled bouts)
  • The total number of bouts may vary for rikishi joining mid-basho.
  • The training roll may be modified according to the number of #Fusen losses received, at the gyoji's discretion.
  • Rikishi who have completed 20+ Basho will receive 2 TP instead of a Training Roll (mostly to heal fatigue).
Training Rolls are not done
  • After a full-basho Kyujo / Kosho (for specifics, please refer to #Kyujo, Kosho, and_Banzukegai)
  • If a rikishi misses too many matches and is declared Auto-Kyujo.
  • After Jungyo
Newer Rikishi have protection as follows:
  • Rikishi at b20 (0-1 Basho completed) will always receive at least 5 TP
  • Rikishi at b21 (2-3 Basho completed) will always receive at least 4 TP
  • These protections do not apply to Rikishi who have dropped to b20/b21 through Injuries
The Training Roll forumla is:
  • 4d40 t(X) + (Base Value)
X = Threshold value that must be rolled equal to or higher to be counted as a success, where each success gives 1 Training Point.
Training Roll Threshold
Basho Completed Threshold Value (X)
0-1 10
2-3 11
4-5 13
6-7 15
8-10 18
11-13 21
14-16 25
17-19 30
20+ 36
Training Roll Base Value
Base Value Condition
+3 None (default value)
Juryo / Makushita / Sandanme Yusho
Makuuchi Jun Yusho
Makuuchi Special Prize
+5 Makuuchi Yusho
  • Certain Perks may affect the Training Roll formula
Training Roll Perks
Perk Code Description Requirement to purchase
T1a -1 t on each training roll Ozeki
T1b -1 t bonus when earning a prize Komusubi x2
T1c -1 t on KK, +1t on 7-8, +2 t on 6-9 or worse Maegashira x5
T2a add +ir3 to training rolls Yokozuna
T2b add +r3 (not +ir3) to training rolls Komusubi x5
T2c 2 TP floor until you reach b25 Maegashira x5
T2d 3 TP protection extends until you reach b22 Juryo x3


Heya & Oyakata Bonus

Heya Bonus

Oyakata Bonus

Until Kyushu 2023

Once per basho, the Oyakata can hand out bonuses to three Rikishi in their heya:
  • +2 Focus Dice to a single Makuuchi Rikishi
  • +2 Momentum to a single Juryo Rikishi
  • +1 Training Point to a single Makushita Rikishi
Important Notes:
  • This Momentum bonus does not stack with other Momentum bonuses.
  • A Rikishi may not receive the Oyakata Bonus twice in a row.

Focus Points

Base Die

Fatigue & Base Fatigue

Recovery Die

Injuries & Injury Threshold

Injury Threshold

Before 8/22/23
  • SimpleGyoji Bot must have the following values set to use the correct Injury Threshold values, regardless of the actual number of Basho completed
Basho Participation Number (bot)
Condition Basho Completed Value
Completed 21+ Basho 23
Sanyaku 13
Makuuchi 11
Juryo / Makushita 1


Kensho / Mochikyukin

As Ozeki and Yokozuna

Intai & Perks

In the Dohyo

How matches work

Spar vs Fight

Matches versus human players

Matches versus bots


Before Aki 2023
Power + Balance
Transitions into Yotsu or Nagete.
Footwork + Spirit
Transitions into Limb Lock or Oshi.
Power + Technique
Transitions into Yotsu or Pull.
Balance + Spirit
Transitions into Nagete or Oshi.
Footwork + Technique
Transitions into Limb Lock or Pull.
Counter Sequence Powerful > Reserved > Low > Surprise > Lateral > Powerful


Critical Tachiai

On the Offensive


Grip Techniques
G1 Yorikiri 寄り切り
Power + Weight
G2 Uwatenage 上手投げ
Power + Skill
G3 Shitatenage 下手投げ
Footwork + Skill
Push/Thrust Techniques
T1 Oshidashi 押し出し
Weight + Footwork
T2 Tsukidashi 突き出し
Power + Footwork
T3 Hazuoshi 筈押し
Weight + Spirit
Pulling Techniques
P1 Hatakikomi 叩き込み
Footwork + Weight
P2 Hikiotoshi 引き落とし
Spirit + Skill
P3 Tsukiotoshi 突き落とし
Spirit + Footwork
Rear Techniques
R1 Okuridashi 送り出し
Footwork + Skill
R2 Okurihikiotoshi 送り引き落とし
Power + Spirit
R3 Okurinage 送り投げ
Power + Weight
Before Aki 2023
Yotsu 四つ
G1 Yorikiri 寄り切り
Power + Balance
G2 Shitatenage 下手投げ
Balance + Footwork
G3 Harimanage 波離間投げ
Power + Spirit
G4 Uwatenage 上手投げ
Power + Technique
Counter Sequence Yorikiri > Sidestep > Shitatenage > Makekai > Harimanage > Tawara Ballet > Uwatenage > Momentum Stop > Yorikiri
Pull 引き
P1 Hatakikomi 叩き込み
Technique + Spirit
P2 Hikiotoshi 引き落とし
Footwork + Technique
P3 Uwatedashinage 上手出し投げ
Balance + Technique
P4 Tsukiotoshi 突き落とし
Power + Spirit
Counter Sequence Hatakikomi > Defensive Tsuppari > Hikiotoshi > Sidestep > Uwatedashinage > Makekai > Tsukiotoshi > Tawara Ballet > Hatakikomi
Nagete 投げ手
T1 Kotenage 小手投げ
Power + Balance
T2 Sukuinage 掬い投げ
Balance + Footwork
T3 Kubinage 首投げ
Balance + Technique
T4 Okurinage 送り投げ
Technique + Spirit
Counter Sequence Kotenage > Momentum Stop > Sukuinage > Sidestep > Kubinage > Defensive Tsuppari > Okurinage > Makekai > Kotenage
Limb Lock 掛け手
L1 Ashitori 足取り
Footwork + Spirit
L2 Kimedashi 極め出し
Power + Footwork
L3 Sotogake 外掛
Footwork + Technique
L4 Katasukashi 肩透かし
Balance + Spirit
Counter Sequence Ashitori > Momentum Stop > Kimedashi > Tawara Ballet > Sotogake > Defensive Tsuppari > Katasukashi > Sidestep > Ashitori
Oshi 押し
O1 Oshidashi 押し出し
Balance + Spirit
O2 Okuridashi 送り出し
Power + Technique
O3 Tsukidashi 突き出し
Power + Footwork
O4 Waridashi 割り出し
Footwork + Spirit
Counter Sequence Oshidashi > Makekai > Okuridashi > Tawara Ballet > Tsukidashi > Momentum Stop > Waridashi > Defensive Tsuppari > Oshidashi

On the Defensive


D1 - Sidestep 往なし
Technique + Spirit
Transitions into Pull or Oshi.
Counters Shitatenage, Uwatedashinage, Kubinage, Ashitori.
Countered by Yorikiri, Hikiotoshi, Sukuinage, Katasukashi.
D2 - Makekai 巻き替え
Power + Footwork
Transitions into Yotsu or Limb Lock.
Counters Harimanage, Tsukiotoshi, Kotenage, Okuridashi.
Countered by Shitatenage, Uwatedashinage, Okurinage, Oshidashi.
D3 - Tawara Ballet 俵回転
Balance + Footwork
Transitions into Nagete or Limb Lock.
Counters Uwatenage, Hatakikomi, Sotogake, Tsukidashi.
Countered by Harimanage, Tsukiotoshi, Kimedashi, Okuridashi.
D4 - Momentum Stop 半身
Balance + Technique
Counters Yorikiri, Sukuinage, Kimedashi, Waridashi.
Countered by Uwatenage, Kotenage, Ashitori, Tsukidashi.
D5 - Defensive Tsuppari 突っ張り
Power + Spirit
Transitions into Yotsu or Oshi.
Counters Hikiotoshi, Okurinage, Katasukashi, Oshidashi.
Countered by Hatakikomi, Kubinage, Sotogake, Waridashi.

Critical Defense


Attack Bonus

Stat Bonus

Focus Die

Fatigue Die



Gunbai doori


Gunbai sashichigae


Readying for a basho

How blocks + deadlines are structured


Kachikoshi and Makekoshi



Human commentator

Flavor text by bot


Before Kyushu 2023
If two Rikishi cannot fight their Basho match live, they have the option of submitting a Slohyo by the deadline of a Block.
The current Slohyo forms can be found here:
If a gyoji is currently running your slohyo, please DO NOT fight any live bouts until the Slohyo is concluded!
  • This is to prevent discrepancies with Fatigue, Focus Dice, and Injuries which may occur during the Slohyo!
If assistance is needed in filling out a Slohyo form, don't be afraid to ask in #gyoji-hotline
  • If both Rikishi submit Slohyo forms, a Gyoji will manually run the match after the deadline for the current block.
  • If both Rikishi end up fighting their match live, which is always preferred, this will override any Slohyo forms submitted for that match.
  • If only one Rikishi submits a Slohyo for a match by the deadline, they will win by forfeit (Fusensho).
  • If neither Rikishi submit a Slohyo form for a match by the deadline, both will lose by forfeit (Fusenpai).
When a Slohyo is run manually by a Gyoji, sometimes the match will run past Round 2.
  • When this happens, both Rikishi will be pinged in #bout-deadlines
  • Rikishi will then have 24 hours to submit Slohyo Form Part 2.
  • If only one Rikishi submits the Part 2 form by the deadline, they will win by forfeit (Fusensho).
  • If neither Rikishi submit the Part 2 form by the deadline, both will lose by forfeit (Fusenpai).


Before Kyushu 2023
Fusen may occur during a Basho in the following situations.
Fusensho 不戦勝 = forfeit win
  • For each match where Rikishi submits a Slohyo form by the deadline while their opponent doesn't.
  • A Fusensho is indicated with the code "F"
Fusenpai 不戦敗 = forfeit loss
  • For each match where a Rikishi does not submit a Slohyo form.
  • A Fusenpai is indicated with the code "L"
  • A certain number of Fusenpai in a row may result in Auto-Kyujo for that Rikishi.
Double Fusen
  • For each match where both Rikishi do not submit Slohyo forms by the deadline, both receive Fusenpai.


Special prizes / Kinboshi

(old, outdated prizes)

For Makuuchi Rikishi (except Yokozuna and Ozeki)
Shukunsho 殊勲賞 = Outstanding Performance Prize = 1 Recovery Die
Kantosho 敢闘賞 = Fighting Spirit Prize = 2t reduction on Training Roll
Ginosho 技能賞 = Technique Prize = 10 Focus Points + 10 progression

Between Basho


Training camps

King of the Hill


Glossary / Index